Having both been to Paris before and loving it we were over the moon to have the chance to return to this incredible city, and to make this stop even better we were going to explore this city with some of Hayley's best friends, Bruna, Danielle and Italo were travelling around Europe from Brasil and Ashlea, Jordan and Kristine who were doing a month trip from Australia. As we had been before we took on the Paris tour guide role and went to all our favourites and must see sites. Of course we stopped at every patisserie and bakery we could manage as well. We visited Sacre Ceur, Notre Dame and of course the Eiffel Tower where we photographed ourselves doing every tourist pose we could think of and had a picnic of ham and cheese baguettes on the grass in front of it. We wandered all over Paris passing the bridge covered in locks of lovers and couldn't help ourselves when we followed suit and bought locks, wrote our names on them, locked them to the bridge and threw away the key - touristy yes but such a sweet thing to do none the less. We made our way past the Lourve and as we attempted to make our way up Champs Elysee we discovered it was in fact the final day for Le Tour De France so we spontaneously got in the spirit and cheered as if we had planned it all along. As the race finished and crowds began to clear we strolled up the street towards the Arc De Triomphe and found ourselves a nice spot on top of it to watch the sun set and the Eiffel Tower light up. Ahhh how beautiful Paris is and even more so when spent with such beautiful people.

On top of the Eiffel Tower
With Bru in front of Sacre Ceur
Tourist picture 1 out of 800
On top of the Arc De Triomphe
Onto Amsterdam it was where our time was spent wandering the streets and all the beautiful canals this city has built throughout it. Cafes in Amsterdam (not the coffee shop kind) are all so quaint and perfect to spend sunny afternoons sipping coffee and watching all the characters of Amsterdam stroll by. We picnicked on delicious dutch cheese by the river and took a stroll through the flower markets. Amsterdam also has no shortage of incredible vintage shops and markets where we trawled through piles and piles of clothes searching for some bargains to squeeze into our packs. When we finally met up with Ashlea, Jordan and Kristine (Bru, Italo and Dani had unfortunately headed home) we stopped at a highly recommended pancake parlour and spoiled ourselves with poffertjes and pancakes drowning in cream and chocolate. We then had a quick photo opportunity out the front of Anne Franks house (the line was too long to even fathom trying to get in) we hopped on the tram and took our turn in clambering all over the "I AMsterdam" sign like all good tourists do. In classic Ashlea style we watched her get stuck on one of the letters in a skirt not really designed for climbing, but she made it down in one piece. Of course it wouldn't be a stop in Amsterdam without gawking at the girls in the windows of the "Red Light District" and all the shops selling anything you would classify as inappropriate, and then the coffee shops, well when in Rome ...

Amsterdam canals
Jay's new shoes
Posing by the "I AMsterdam" sign
Hayley and Ashy in Amsterdam!
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